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 Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows

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4 posters
Hikari Master
Hikari Master

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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows EmptySun Jun 22, 2008 6:06 am

Pertama-tama kita download dulu:
Arrow psyBNC.2.3.1
file size sekitar 841kb.
kita taruh di c:/

double klik file psybnc2.3.1.exe
lalu akan ada dialog extract to c:\psybnc\ ikuti saja dengan klik tombol extract
setelah sukses ada kotak pesan “successfully completed the operation” klik ok
sekarang kita double klik folder c:\psybnc

disitu kita lihat ada file psybnc.exe dan ada psybnc.conf
disini kita bisa edit dulu file psybnc.conf jika ingin merubah port nya yang
defaultnya adalah 31337
berikut contoh pada file psybnc.conf
baris pertama artinya psybnc listen pada port 31337 artinya nanti kita konek ke port 31337
baris kedua adalah ip listen bisa kita isikan ip dari ipkomputer yang kita install psybnc atau kita beri tanda bintang
yang artinya semua ip terdeteksi di system.
baris ketiga adalah host allow, artinya semua ip bisa loggin ke psybnc kita. jika kita spesifikasikan
ipnya misal psybnc.HOSTALLOWS.ENTRY=*.* kita beri suatu ip

ok kita anggap selesai psybnc.conf jika masih bingung biarkan saja seperti aslinya.
langkah selanjutnya kita double klik psybnc.exe
dan psybnc.exe akan dijalankan muncul dos prompt sekilas lalu menghilang bisa kalian check psybnc.exe sudah jalan lewat menu task manager

sekarang kita pergi ke mirc ( program chating favoritku Razz)

kita konek ke psybnc kita.
disini saya contohkan ip psybnc adalah dengan port 31337 ident pertama kali bebas dan password kosong jika memakai psybnc.conf default diatas.

di mirc kita pilih options atau gambar palu di kiri atas.
full name : nama anda
email address: admin@
nickname : nickmu
alternative: nick-lain

klik ok

di status ketik perintah konek berikut
/server <<<< enter

-Welcome- psyBNC2.3.1
–psyBNC- Your IRC Client did not support a password. Please type /QUOTE PASS yourpassword to connect.

/QUOTE PASS 12345 <<< ketik contoh password 12345 (bisa disi password lain)

status -psyBNC akan muncul:

<-psyBNC> Welcome xxx !
<-psyBNC> You are the first to connect to this new proxy server.
<-psyBNC> You are the proxy-admin. Use ADDSERVER to add a server so the bouncer may connect.
<-psyBNC> psyBNC2.3.2-4 Help (* = BounceAdmin only)
<-psyBNC> ————————————–
<-psyBNC> BHELP BWHO - Lists all Users on the Bouncer
<-psyBNC> BHELP PASSWORD - Sets your or another Users Password(Admin)
<-psyBNC> BHELP BVHOST - Sets your vhost to connect thru
<-psyBNC> BHELP PROXY - Sets your proxy to connect thru
<-psyBNC> BHELP SETUSERNAME - Sets your User Name
<-psyBNC> BHELP SETAWAY - Sets your away-Text when you leave
<-psyBNC> BHELP SETLEAVEMSG - Sets your Leave-MSG when you leave
<-psyBNC> BHELP LEAVEQUIT - If set to 1, parts all channels on quit
<-psyBNC> BHELP SETAWAYNICK - Sets your nick when you are offline
<-psyBNC> BHELP JUMP - Jumps to the next IRC-Server
<-psyBNC> BHELP BQUIT - Quits your current Server Connection
<-psyBNC> BHELP BCONNECT - Reconnects a bquitted Connection
<-psyBNC> BHELP AIDLE - Enables/Disables Antiidle
<-psyBNC> BHELP AUTOREJOIN - Enables/Disables Auto-Rejoin
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDSERVER - Adds an IRC-Server to your Serverlist
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELSERVER - Deletes an IRC-Server by number
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTSERVERS - Lists all IRC-Servers added
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDNETWORK - Adds a seperate Network to your client
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELNETWORK - Deletes a Network from your client
<-psyBNC> BHELP SWITCHNET - Switches to a given Network
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDOP - Adds a User who may get Op from you
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELOP - Deletes an added User who got Op
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTOPS - Lists all added Ops
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDAUTOOP - Adds a User who gets Auto-Op from you
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELAUTOOP - Deletes an added User who got Op
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTAUTOOPS - Lists all added Auto-Ops
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDBAN - Adds a ban (global or to a channel)
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELBAN - Deletes a ban by Number
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTBANS - Lists all bans
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDASK - Adds a host/bot to ask Op from
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELASK - Deletes a host/bot to ask Op by Number
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTASK - Lists the hosts/bots to ask Op from
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDIGNORE - Adds a hostmask/contentfilter to the ignores
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELIGNORE - Deletes a hostmask/contentfilter from the ignores
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTIGNORES - Lists the currently added ignores
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDDCC - Adds a DCC-Connection to a bot
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTDCC - Lists all added DCC-Connectionc
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELDCC - Deletes a DCC-Connection by number
<-psyBNC> BHELP DCCCHAT - Offers a DCC Chat to a given IRC User
<-psyBNC> BHELP DCCANSWER - Answers to a DCC Chat-Request
<-psyBNC> BHELP DCCENABLE - Enables/Disables DCC thru psybnc
<-psyBNC> BHELP DCCSEND - Sends a file to a given IRC User
<-psyBNC> BHELP DCCGET - Gets a DCC Send File from an IRC User
<-psyBNC> BHELP DCCSENDME - Sends the bouncer User a File
<-psyBNC> BHELP AUTOGETDCC - always get offered Files
<-psyBNC> BHELP DCCCANCEL - Cancels a dccchat or a transfer
<-psyBNC> BHELP PLAYPRIVATELOG - Plays your Message Log
<-psyBNC> BHELP ERASEPRIVATELOG - Erases your Message Log
<-psyBNC> BHELP ADDLOG - Adds a Log source / filter
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELLOG - Deletes a Log source by number
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTLOGS - Lists all added Log sources/filters
<-psyBNC> BHELP PLAYTRAFFICLOG - Plays the Traffic Log
<-psyBNC> BHELP ERASETRAFFICLOG - Erases the Traffic Log
<-psyBNC> BHELP ENCRYPT - Encrypts talk to a given channel/user
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELENCRYPT - Deletes an encryption entry by number
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTENCRYPT - Shows a List of encrypted talks
<-psyBNC> BHELP TRANSLATE - Adds a translator to/from channels/users
<-psyBNC> BHELP DELTRANSLATE - Deletes a translator by number
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTTRANSLATE - Shows a List of translated talks
<-psyBNC> BHELP * BREHASH - Rehashes the proxy and resets all Connections
<-psyBNC> BHELP * MADMIN - Gives a User an Admin flag
<-psyBNC> BHELP * UNADMIN - Removes the Admin flag from a User
<-psyBNC> BHELP * BKILL - Kills a User from the proxy
<-psyBNC> BHELP * SOCKSTAT - Shows/Logs the current Connections
<-psyBNC> BHELP * ADDUSER - Adds a new User to the Bouncer
<-psyBNC> BHELP * DELUSER - Deletes a User from the Bouncer
<-psyBNC> BHELP * NAMEBOUNCER - Names your bouncer (needed for linking)
<-psyBNC> BHELP * LINKTO - Adds a bouncer Link to the Host/Port
<-psyBNC> BHELP * LINKFROM - Adds a bouncer Link from your Bouncer
<-psyBNC> BHELP * RELAYLINK - Allows or disables a relayable Link
<-psyBNC> BHELP * DELLINK - Deletes a Link to a bouncer
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTLINKS - Lists all Links to/from the Bouncer
<-psyBNC> BHELP * RELINK - Resets a link to a bouncer by number
<-psyBNC> BHELP * PLAYMAINLOG - Plays the Connection Log
<-psyBNC> BHELP * ERASEMAINLOG - Erases the Connection Log
<-psyBNC> BHELP * ADDALLOW - Adds a host allow to connect
<-psyBNC> BHELP * DELALLOW - Deletes a host allow
<-psyBNC> BHELP * LISTALLOW - Lists the host allows on your proxy
<-psyBNC> BHELP SRELOAD - Reloads the Script for the User
<-psyBNC> BHELP LISTTASKS - Lists the current running tasks
<-psyBNC> BHELP * SETLANG - Sets the language (global)
<-psyBNC> BHELP BHELP - Lists this help or help on a topic
<-psyBNC> BHELP Use /QUOTE bhelp for details.
<-psyBNC> BHELP - End of help
<-psyBNC> Fri Jan 4 17:34:25 :New User:admin (xxx) added by admin
<-psyBNC> Fri Jan 4 17:34:31 :User admin () has no server added

lalu kita ketik
/addserver irc.dal.net:6665 <<< contoh untuk irc server dalnet

<-psyBNC> Server irc.dal.net port 6665 (password: None) added.
<-psyBNC> Fri Jan 4 17:37:31 :User admin () trying irc.dal.net port 6667 ().
<-psyBNC> Fri Jan 4 17:37:32 :User admin () connected to irc.dal.net:6667 ()

Ok Selamat MenCoba Very Happy:D:D
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Hikari Old
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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows EmptyWed Jun 25, 2008 9:58 pm

langsung ke tkp bro Wink
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Hikari Master
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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows EmptyFri Jun 27, 2008 6:34 am

ok dech... Very Happy:D:D:D
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Hikari Master
Hikari Master

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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows EmptyTue Jul 01, 2008 6:55 am

nice share [bLaCk-HoL3]
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Hikari Master
Hikari Master

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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 6:05 am

Same-Same Bro!!!Very Happy:D:D:D
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shinichi kudo
Hikari Junior
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shinichi kudo

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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows EmptyMon Oct 27, 2008 3:10 am


mantebh dah..
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Hikari Master
Hikari Master

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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows EmptyWed Oct 29, 2008 3:29 am

makasih bro Very Happy:D:D
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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows   Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows Empty

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Instalasi psyBNC pada OS Windows
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